February 10th 2022
Matt Hartford Pro Stock Team Prepares for the 2022 Championship Title Hunt
Matt Hartford and his team are heading to the NHRA PRO test session in Phoenix, Arizona, February 10th-13th to prepare for the 2022 Championship Title hunt.
Total Seal will showcase its primary sponsorship colors on the Pro Stock Camaro with a new look for 2022 along with the support of longtime associate sponsors CIP1, Rottler Manufacturing, Rob’s Automotive Collision, Curry’s Transportation, The Hose Connection, KI Enterprises, ZMAX, and Summit Racing Equipment.
Rottler Manufacturing continues their long-standing partnership with the team and will take over as Primary Sponsor on Matt Hartford’s NHRA Pro Stocker for the last 2 stops on the western swing, the Denso Sonoma Nationals July 22-24 and Flav-R-Pac Northwest Nationals July 29-31.
“Rottler and Total Seal Piston Rings are such a great fit together. We discuss honing with customers daily and Rottler is certainly at the top of our list for achieving the best bore geometry and surface finish. We also have been utilizing Rottler Honing Equipment for well over a decade at Total Seal. The ease of use, accuracy of machining, and technical support is second to none. Rottler has been such a great partner for many years, and it is always fun having their employees and customers join us in the pits” stated Hartford.
Lake Speed Jr, VP of Sales and Marketing continued to say “Piston ring performance depends on cylinder bore geometry and surface finish, so working with Rottler marries the leaders in cylinder bore finishing and piston ring technology. We like to call it Ring Seal Soup. When piston rings and cylinder bores work together, engine efficiency and durability improve. There is no better partnership to deliver Ring Seal Soup than Total Seal and Rottler”
Racers and fans are also invited to join our TRACKSIDE TECH TALK in Matt Hartford’s Pro Stock pits at selected events during the 2022 season. This is a free seminar to all. Lake Speed Jr. and Keith Jones of Total Seal, and Ed Kiebler from Rottler will discuss the ever-changing landscape of piston ring technology, honing technology, and a vast array of topics of cylinder sealing efficiency. The first seminar kicks off on Friday, February 18th in Pomona. Attendees will be able to listen to the seminar while watching a Pro Stock team get ready for the 1st round of qualifying.
The Total Seal Piston Rings / CIP1 Pro Stock Camaro enters the 2022 season with high expectations as they continue to get horsepower from 5X Pro Stock World Champion Greg Anderson and KB Engines.
For more information about Rottler, please contact Rottler Manufacturing at 1-800-452-0534 or www.rottlermfg.com
For more information about California Import Parts, please contact CIP1 at 1-800-313-3811 or www2.cip1.com
For more information about Total Seal, please contact Total Seal at 1-800-874-2753 or www.totalseal.com
Total Seal will showcase its primary sponsorship colors on the Pro Stock Camaro with a new look for 2022 along with the support of longtime associate sponsors CIP1, Rottler Manufacturing, Rob’s Automotive Collision, Curry’s Transportation, The Hose Connection, KI Enterprises, ZMAX, and Summit Racing Equipment.
Rottler Manufacturing continues their long-standing partnership with the team and will take over as Primary Sponsor on Matt Hartford’s NHRA Pro Stocker for the last 2 stops on the western swing, the Denso Sonoma Nationals July 22-24 and Flav-R-Pac Northwest Nationals July 29-31.
“Rottler and Total Seal Piston Rings are such a great fit together. We discuss honing with customers daily and Rottler is certainly at the top of our list for achieving the best bore geometry and surface finish. We also have been utilizing Rottler Honing Equipment for well over a decade at Total Seal. The ease of use, accuracy of machining, and technical support is second to none. Rottler has been such a great partner for many years, and it is always fun having their employees and customers join us in the pits” stated Hartford.
Lake Speed Jr, VP of Sales and Marketing continued to say “Piston ring performance depends on cylinder bore geometry and surface finish, so working with Rottler marries the leaders in cylinder bore finishing and piston ring technology. We like to call it Ring Seal Soup. When piston rings and cylinder bores work together, engine efficiency and durability improve. There is no better partnership to deliver Ring Seal Soup than Total Seal and Rottler”
Racers and fans are also invited to join our TRACKSIDE TECH TALK in Matt Hartford’s Pro Stock pits at selected events during the 2022 season. This is a free seminar to all. Lake Speed Jr. and Keith Jones of Total Seal, and Ed Kiebler from Rottler will discuss the ever-changing landscape of piston ring technology, honing technology, and a vast array of topics of cylinder sealing efficiency. The first seminar kicks off on Friday, February 18th in Pomona. Attendees will be able to listen to the seminar while watching a Pro Stock team get ready for the 1st round of qualifying.
The Total Seal Piston Rings / CIP1 Pro Stock Camaro enters the 2022 season with high expectations as they continue to get horsepower from 5X Pro Stock World Champion Greg Anderson and KB Engines.
For more information about Rottler, please contact Rottler Manufacturing at 1-800-452-0534 or www.rottlermfg.com
For more information about California Import Parts, please contact CIP1 at 1-800-313-3811 or www2.cip1.com
For more information about Total Seal, please contact Total Seal at 1-800-874-2753 or www.totalseal.com