Coated Cutting Tools
Coated tools for the motorsport industry ratchet things up another notch.
Machining of components for the automotive industry places special demands on cutting tools. Oerlikon Balzers offers tool coating solutions that enable the racing industry to meet its cutting requirements. Below are some examples of how Oerlikon Balzers coatings provide the decisive performance edge.
BALINIT coatings play a crucial part in making sure that every single component in modern motorsport vehicles functions properly and can be manufactured effectively - for everything from the engine to the interior trim.
Your advantages with BALINIT® coatings:
-Even demanding lightweight materials can be machined more quickly and precisely.
-Tool life and behaviour are significantly improved and more predictable.
-Dry machining and minimal lubrication reduce costs and cleaning requirements.
-New production methods become possible (e.g. deep drawing instead of machining, milling instead of die sinking), which reduces production times and costs.
-Part finished quality is improved, making retouching work no longer necessary.
-Even with reground and recoated tools, the same tool service life can be achieved and production cycle times can be maintained.