GenV Ultra Gate 38 HP (High Pressure)
Turbosmart has expanded on the GenV external wastegate range by adding the traditional 2 Bolt, 38mm version to the High Pressure (HP) lineup. The GenV UltraGate38 HP is a 38mm 2-bolt style wastegate and offers up 50psi of base spring pressure.
The GenV HP external wastegate lineup now includes the 2 bolt UltraGate38HP, 40mm V-Band CompGate40HP and 45mm HyperGat45HP. Based on the award-winning GenV architecture, you can be assured of class-leading flow, thermal performance and fatigue resistance & the HP variants provide up to 50psi of base mechanical spring pressure – even more with external boost control or reference signal manipulation.
This new unit is a direct fit replacement from previous 38mm 2 Bolt Turbosmart and suitable 2 bolt peer products and feature our unique locking-collar system, variable actuator cap and base for easy, 360-degree optional routing of reference hoses, optional liquid-cooling provision and 1/8 NPT reference ports the GenV HP range is supplied with 35psi springs pre-fitted & with optional 50psi springs available.