ICMS Annual Congress - December 9 - 10, 2020
Wednesday & Thursday, December 9 - 10, 2020 the ICMS will present its 32nd ANNUAL CONGRESS to inform the international motorsport community, the different scientific and medical disciplines, sanctioning body personnel, automobile designers and constructors, race team managers and drivers and industry corporations interested in improving safety and performance for the motorsport participant and the highway motorist.
If you are interested in motor sport medicine, science and education the ICMS Annual Congress offers something for everyone and you will discover firsthand how today's research will improve tomorrows performance.
Whether you’re looking for the latest information in the field or exploring opportunities to learn from the experts, the curriculum of the ICMS Annual Congress offers continuing education opportunities that are unsurpassed in motor sport.
You can mingle with your motor sport colleagues, connect with the resources and tools that make a difference in professional development, and interact directly with the speakers in your area of expertise at the ICMS Annual Congress.
Participating in the ICMS Annual Congress will expose you to different points of view and new ways of thinking. The Congress enhances the learning of new techniques and specific tips for applying them while strengthening your knowledge base of all motor sport sciences.