RACE GAS Diesel Performance Plus Six Can Case
Today’s diesel engines are more sensitive to fuel quality than ever before. Low Cetane fuel robs your diesel of power, promotes hard starting, promotes the development of lube oil sludge and increases the development of engine deposits.
Race Gas® Diesel Performance Plus is specifically designed for use in high performance diesel applications. Race Gas® Diesel Performance Plus replaces the lost CETANE, Oxygen and Lubricity in today’s low sulfur diesel fuel. This allows users to take full advantage of their performance modications, like tuners, increases in boost or propane injection.
Race Gas® Diesel Performance Plus will:
- Increase CETANE by 14 numbers
- Improve throttle response and torque
- Increase oxygen in the fuel for more power
- Clean injectors and fuel system
- Works with any type of diesel fuel, (including bio fuels)
- Adds lubricity to protect fuel injectors and fuel pumps
One 32 ounce can of Race Gas Diesel Performance Plus will treat 32 gallons of diesel fuel. Or blend one ounce of Diesel Performance Plus per one gallon of diesel fuel.