ELF 4S FIM EVOX is an unleaded fuel for 4-stroke engines functioning at high and very
high speeds, exclusively for use in Motorcycle racing.
Optimized within the limits of FIM regulations, ELF 4S FIM EVOX combines greater
power and impeccable reliability with maximum performance tuning.
Particularly suited to competitions like:
Superbike / Supersport
ELF 4S FIM EVOX provides significant gains in power and reliability, with no fine-tuning.
Engine mapping and compression rate have to be optimised (Air/Fuel ratio, Ignition
Timing…) to obtain full benefit from ELF 4S FIM EVOX, as well as fuel flow rate should
be tuned.
ELF 4S FIM EVOX must not be used in 2-stroke engines.
Conservation : to maintain its original properties, in accordance with the Fuel Health
and Safety regulations, ELF 4S FIM EVOX should be handled and stored in the shade
and sheltered from adverse weather conditions and must be perfectly sealed in its drum
after each use, in order to avoid losing the lightest fractions.