RH665 Brake fluid
RH665 is specially formulated for racing applications, where braking systems operate at very high temperatures. It is a complex mixture of Glycol Ether Borate Esters and Polyalkylene Glycol Ethers together with advanced corrosion inhibitors, antioxidants and other modifiers. The result is an exceptional brake fluid with not only a very high boiling point but also maintains its class leading viscosity, lubricity and compressibility performance at extreme temperatures to ensure braking system reliability and performance and a Rock Hard pedal.
RH665 has the highest GUARANTEED minimum Dry Boiling Point (ERBP) of any DOT 4 Brake Fluid, 617°F, to guard against vapor lock and give a Rock Hard pedal even under extreme racing conditions. Many manufacturers quote "Typical" Boiling Points —do not be deceived, this is not the minimum specification that you could receive, it can be the result of a test on a single sample. "Typical" values for RH665 are invariably higher than 617°F. A similar situation applies to "Wet" Boiling Point, RH665 is GUARANTEED to be above 383°F "typical"values are much higher and at least the equal of other leading brands.