PS-HTD Spring Bar
The PS-HTD-LM spring bar is designed to provide consistent traction. Unlike other spring bars, compression and rebound can be adjusted internally to control various applications. The design features high-quality components and materials for increased durability and consistency.
What does it do? When a dirt late model sits on its 4-link bars, your tires are now doing your suspensions work. Any load increases can cause the tire to lose traction. With our HTD, your bars are now doing suspension work, it is allowing the car’s bars to act as shocks, absorbing inputs from the track, therefore reducing loads on the tire, and maintaining maximum traction.
Is that all? No, it also helps with rear steer. We stagger the spring rates from left to right, this helps the car rear steer because the LR and RR will travel more or less depending on preload of the spring, damping, and PSI in the HTD.
Latemodel version comes with spring, built to current bar length. Specify OAL of current upper bar.
Damps Oscillation Under Acceleration and Deceleration
Owner Revalvable and Serviceable
Advanced Technology
CNC Machined Aluminum
HYPERCO® Spring Available (600, 900)