XN4 Strain Gauge Amplifier
The Texense XN4 is a PCB analog strain gauge amplifier, high resolution and high speed, with offset and gain adjusted by microcontroller.
The XN4’s small size allows it to be bonded close to the gauges, which will reduce noise on the signal, the XN4 is also fully EMI-RFI protected.
Key features of the XN4 are:
Gain and Offset are programmable via Vprog or Tx/Rx even if the XN4 is not linked to Strain Gauges.
Offset is programmable in mV and Gain in 1/10 (Gain from 70 to 1250)
Offset value from 0 to 5V.
Output signal can increase or decrease under load.
No need to apply a force to program a Gain.
Temperature compensation is now in time basis, from 2 to 12 hours.
Compensation table values can be edited.
Working temperature from -20 to +125°C
Noise reduction.
Most of the amplifier parameters such as gain and offset are programmable by the user via a USB connection and laptop.