Proseries 6 stage nitrous system
Speedwire Systems Proseries 6 stage nitrous system offers you the total package to wire your car to the next level. It offers you all the bells and whistles for any nitrous racer. 6 timed stages all digitally controlled with our nitrous controller for accurate repeatable performance. Only using 3 or 4 stages no problem having up to 6 timers, you can also use these for activating a lock up torque converter or shock dump. Our digital nitrous controller settings can be changed in seconds without the use of a laptop, making those last minute changes a breeze. You can select what stage comes on, when, and in what order, giving you the flexibility to use different stage sequences for different track conditions, the possibilities are endless. We also offer split stage systems up to 5 stages with 10 timers for those big inch motors running with small tires. For more info contact us our staff is well adversed in wiring for any application, let us help you get to the winners circle !