HAWTHORNE, CA—Featuring a whole new graphical interface with a revised vertical tabs menu, a selectable dark theme, selectable shift light segments, a performance timer for measuring 0-60, ¼-, ½-, one-mile times and more, the latest updates to DashDesign2 (v2.1.11) combine exciting new features and multiple improvements for the best user experience. Additional highlights include a ToolTips feature that appears when hovering over a function, adding custom Tags to easily identify layouts and pages, the ability to click-place gauges vs. having to drag-and-drop them, and a new file type that allows you to save a single screen for importing into layouts and sharing.
Download the full Release Notes Here
Download DashDesign 2.1 Here
Download the latest version of AEMData Here
New Features and Functions:
1. Performance Timer
a. Measure 0-60, ¼-mile times and more
b. Trigger and clear times with built-in or remote mounted buttons
2. Updated Graphical Interface with Dark Mode Theme
a. Vertical tabs make it easier to toggle and preview screens
b. Ability to toggle between light and dark background modes
3. New File Type for Saving Individual Screens
a. Save a single screen (.cdscreen) for importing into custom layouts and sharing
4. ToolTips Feature
a. Hover over a feature or function for an expanded description and help
5. Predefined and Custom Tags for Identifying Pages
a. Easily search for specific pages by using Tags to group them
6. Export Graphics Feature
a. Export and Save graphics for use when building setup files
7. Setup Check Updates
a. Auto reset for most items once error is resolved
b. Displays a warning if alarm is unable to trigger due to incompatible retrigger time vs. delay time or if alarm conditions cannot be met
8. Speed Input Channel Default Setting
a. Used as default input for common channels requiring a speed channel
b. Default set to GPSi_Speed
c. Lap Timing input channel default to Speed Input channel if not already configured
Revisions & Fixes:
1. Individually enter limits for each shift light
2. Function table carried over from DashDesign1 for CAN channels
3. Alarm Limits Tracking adjusts channel alarm limits automatically for any change in units
4. Warning notification if “Match Preferences” mode is selected for units but “Auto-Apply To All” is not selected
5. Output units now implicitly match input units if they are not selected for a specific channel
6. Display Units for odometer and other predefined channels are configurable
7. Unit preferences added for distance
CD-5 and CD-7 Carbon Digital Dash Displays feature full-color, daylight readable screens surrounded by tough, lightweight flow-molded carbon fiber composite housings. They receive channels from CAN-enabled devices and can be installed on any vehicle, and are available with integrated data logging and GPS for MPH, track mapping and lap timing. Seven ultra-bright programmable LEDs span the top of the display housings for RPM and shift light indication and two additional programmable LEDs are located on the sides of the enclosure. Users can program the shift lights to ascend in specific increments based on RPM range and flash when it is time to shift. Brightness is user programmable on the fixed color LEDs.