Manufacturing Processes
DSPS Engineering specialise in the creation of bespoke high technology Engine components and assemblies, for clients whose products operate in difficult environments close to the limits of performance.
We operate a “zero defects” total quality management (TQM) process throughout the company, enabling full traceability from raw materials through to obsolescence.
Parts are managed and conformance to design guaranteed throughout their service life wherever they are in the world and within the specified service conditions.
We believe there are only two ways in which a task may be performed; correctly or incorrectly.
All components produced by DSPS Engineering are designed in-house.
These then undergo various CAE processes, to ensure that the components are fit for purpose.
Prototypes are then manufactured, tested and modified, if necessary, before going into production.
The component on the left is the 4 port plate used on the 3 Lug ALS valve.
Management and Supervision
Management and Supervision
All our parts are designed to fully meet the clients’ requirements.
A major aspect of the design is the manufacturing process.
Many of our designs are complex multi-material assemblies, which must be constructed in a precise manner in order to function correctly; there are no half measures or short cuts.
We achieve this precision by breaking down the complex production and assembly process into small simple steps.
The premise is very simple; we create a stepwise process which guarantees a perfectly conforming component or assembly.
The process is followed diligently to ensure all subsequent products will be of the same quality.
Manufacturing Technologies
Manufacturing Technologies
DSPS Engineering prides itself on always choosing the optimum manufacturing technology, to achieve the best possible finished product, with regards to the purpose required.
We have been using Electron Beam Welding (as shown on the component on the left) extensively, as the weld is controlled, repeatable, neat and of exceptional quality.