4 Port CAN Hub
AEM’s 4 Port AEMnet CAN Hub is the perfect solution for connecting multiple AEMnet CAN bus-enabled devices together. This convenient Module provides a central docking station for four AEMnet cables via 4-way DTM-style housings and can provide power to all of the connected devices on the Hub through a single port (3A max current capacity – NOT for use to power UEGO sensor heaters). Users can daisy-chain two 4 Port AEMnet CAN Hubs together for a total of 6 connected devices.
AEMnet buses must be properly terminated using termination resistors on each end of the port (120 Ohms each, see Specs tab for AEM Devices with termination resistors). AEM offers DTM-style 4-pin termination plugs that simplify this process if you have a device that does not have an integrated or selectable termination resistor.
The 4 Port CAN hub is IP67-rated and can be installed in the engine compartment. Mounting hardware and instructions are included.