RaceCalls announced as Northwest Super Late Model Series title sponsor

In 2022, RaceCals came on board with the Northwest Super Late Model Series (NWSLMS) as an associate sponsor. In 2023, they are stepping up their role as the Title Sponsor of the series’ nine event schedule, which gets underway on April 2nd at Tri-City Raceway at RMEC with the 54th Annual “Apple Cup 125”. The partnership is a continuation of the relationship forged last season with RaceCals’ Scott Mader, and it is an exciting development for the series in its’ 10th season of competition.

“This last year our experience with the tour was thrilling to say the least”, Mader explained about his decision to become the series Title Sponsor. “The people we met, and the experiences we had, were some of the most memorable. It is difficult to distill the tangible and intangible results into a few phrases. At the very least the exposure to our brand was huge. The “Tour’ is traveling to all the major spots in our region, and also streamed on Racing America nationwide. All of those folks are seeing RaceCals. That was the first and most visually obvious reason for our involvement. But the intangible gains came in the relationships that we developed with all of the leading industry folks and talent. We only wish we could have gone to more races!”

RaceCals has been printing quality decals for the Motorsports industry for over 30 years. From NASCAR fenders to Sprint Car Wings, from Stock Car A-arms to motorcycle swing arms, from Daytona to the California Dunes and lots of places in between, their work can be found on some of the biggest (and smallest) names in racing.

In 2020 the company was purchased by Mader from Andy and Karen Benedetti, who were looking to retire from the business. In 2021, RaceCals sponsored the Pro Late Model division at Findlay Stadium Stateline Speedway (ID). They continued their involvement with the sport in 2022 with the NWSLMS and several driver sponsorships. Madar is looking to continue the company’s tradition, as well as grow the business, with his involvement with the NWSLMS, as the recent owner explained.

“As usual, we take the holiday season to reflect on the prior year, and to start making plans for the next. It was obvious that we wanted to do more with the “Tour”, but just didn't know what that would look like yet. As soon as the series sponsorship became available, we had to jump at it. Not only will we be able to be front and center, with all the right people, but we get to contribute to this industry that we love and continue to grow these relationships. Thank you for making us feel welcome. We look forward to seeing everyone this year!”

RaceCals will adorn the windshields of all 2023 series competitors, as the Title Sponsor. The series Director Dan Garber is excited about this year’s increased involvement from RaceCals and their sponsorship of the series and the championship points fund. The friendship evolved from the 2022 race season, and the commitment Mader gave freely, helping the series in multiple facets. 

“Scott hung out with us at the beginning of the 2022 season, and we had never met him before”, Garber recalled about their first meeting. “He wanted to come hangout, and he helped us a little bit in the tech line. He watched and helped out with some contingency packages, stuff that is really important, but it takes the right guy to do it. He was at most of our races and moved into the race scene, representing himself very well with the support of a lot of different classes and people. I think it will be a great partnership.”

The Northwest Super Late Model Series is entering its’ 10th season of competition and will see a nine-race schedule in 2023. The series will visit Tri-City Raceway at RMEC (WA) three times, for the “Apple Cup 125”, “Retro Throwback Desert Star 80”, and the “Fall Classic 125”. The Wenatchee Valley Super-Oval (WA) will host two events, beginning with the “Leonard Evans Memorial 150”, then the “Neal Newberry 125”. Hermiston Raceway (OR) is also on the schedule twice, with the “Hermiston 125”, and the “Atomic 125”. The series will have single visits to Stateline Speedway (ID) for the “SLS 125”, and Merdian Speedway (ID) for the prestigious “Idaho 208”.

The Northwest Super Late Model Series will air LIVE on Racing America throughout the 2023, for those unable to attend each series event.


RaceCals makes quality decals for the racing industry, including wraps, screen printed / digital decals, and all other kinds of signage. For a quote, send the quantity and dimensions and any artwork to: info@racecals.com. 


The Northwest Super Late Model Series is the premier regional touring Super Late Model series in the Northwest. The series has many valued partners including Hoosier Racing Tire, McGunegill Engine Performance, AR Bodies, Joes Racing Products, Penske Racing Shocks, Five Star Bodies, AFCO/Longacre Racing Products, RaceCals, Wheel Chill, Atomic Screen Printing and Embroidery, Franks Racing Radio, BLP, Jefferson Racing, American Racer, Gibson Diesel Performance, and The Ti Company. For more information on the series visit www.nwslms.com or on Facebook and Twitter.

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