Power Stroke Installation Kits
Fluidampr announces the release of new installation kits for Ford 6.0L, 6.4L & 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel engines. As diesel motorsports progresses, the need for extra security is evident. Just as we have released for the Cummins and Duramax platforms, it is time for the Power Stroke platform to have a friction washer and bolt kit. As more enthusiasts and racers turn to the Power Stroke as an engine of choice, they made it clear this would be a welcomed addition. You talked, we listened. These kits are now available.
For secure installation and peace-of-mind when further modifying your diesel engine, a new High Strength Bolt Kit is recommended. Available for 6.0L, 6.4L & 6.7L Power Stroke applications up to 700 hp / 1,250 ft-lbs torque. Each kit features heat treated, high strength bolt(s) from ARPĀ® and a .010" thick diamond impregnated friction washer.
p/n 300014. 2003-2007 6.0L Power Stroke.
MSRP $153.00
p/n 300015. 2008-2010 6.4L Power Stroke.
MSRP $153.00
p/n 300016. 2011-2018 6.7L Power Stroke.
MSRP $153.00
Fluidampr recommends replacing the diamond impregnated friction washer in the the Fluidampr High Strength Bolt Kits (p/n 300014, 300015, 300016) each time the damper is removed. This practice ensures a secure mating surface between the damper and the crankshaft. Available in single or three pack.
p/n 870201-FW01. 6.0L Power Stroke Friction Washer. 1pc. MSRP $58.00
p/n 870201-FW03. 6.0L Power Stroke Friction Washer. 3pc. MSRP $157.00
p/n 800211-FW01. 6.4L Power Stroke Friction Washer. 1pc. MSRP $58.00
p/n 800211-FW03. 6.4L Power Stroke Friction Washer. 3pc. MSRP $157.00
p/n 800221-FW01. 6.7L Power Stroke Friction Washer. 1pc. MSRP $58.00
p/n 800221-FW03. 6.7L Power Stroke Friction Washer. 3pc. MSRP $157.00