Racing Additive, Oil Manufacturers, Suppliers, & Distributors
List of 108 Different Additive, Oil Manufacturers, Additive, Oil Distributors, and Service Providers. EPARTRADE connects 35,000+ performance and racing parts businesses worldwide. Additive, Oil are just the beginning.BESTLINE RACING LUBRICANTS
BestLine Racing Driving Lubrication Technology Forward. Diamond Nano-Lubricant and fuel experts. Engine Oil Treatments made in the USA.
Diamond Nano-technology-based ultra-low friction coefficient and high-temperature boundary layer.
The Anti-Scuffing Ultra Low Friction Performance of Diamond Nano-Particles as an Oil
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Champion Brands, LLC, is a globally recognized industry leader in specialty lubricants for over 63 years. Champion also produces and blends over 350 products including fuel, oil, engine additives, and lubricants for the automotive, heavy truck, racing, performance, agricultural, industrial, and specialty markets.
Hot Shot's Secret, manufactured by Lubrication Specialties (LSI), is the fastest growing high performance lubricant brand in the USA. Currently, Hot Shot's Secret offers over 50 specially formulated patented additive products, specialty oils and fluids for gas and diesel powered vehicles. Top sellers include Stiction Elimi ... See more

With around 4,000 items, LIQUI MOLY offers a global, uniquely broad range of automotive chemicals: Motor oils and additives, greases and pastes, sprays and car care, glues and sealants. Founded in 1957, LIQUI MOLY develops and produces exclusively in Germany. There it is the undisputed market leader for additives and is rep ... See more

Lucas Oil Products was founded by Forrest and Charlotte Lucas with the simple philosophy of producing only the best line of lubricants and additives available anywhere. Since its inception, Lucas has steadfastly adhered to this corporate objective. Through innovative product research and development, along with aggressive m ... See more

Our products and services result from more than 40 years of research and development in materials science. Our concepts are supported by extensive university research, published papers, independently certified test results using methods that frequently exceed those specified by ASTM and the successful development of commerc ... See more