Company Profile
We are a family owned independent European repair facility. We specialize in BMW, Mini Cooper and Mercedes. However, we work on most any Euro vehicle, whether it is modern or a classic. We pride ourselves in building long standing relationships with our clientele by providing the best possible customer experience!
We are mainly interested in
Air Scoops Bearings Bearings, Gearbox Bell Housings Birdcages, Aluminum Brake Lines Brake Proportioning Valves Bumpers Chassis Plans Chassis, Vintage/Historic Air Boxes Air Intake Systems Alternator Fans Aluminum Components Bearings, Engine Belt Drive Kits Cam Gear Drives 3D Printing 3D Scanners/3D Measurement Tools Adhesives Align Boring Machinery Align Honing Machinery Aluminum, Bar Stock Aluminum, Sheet Balancing Services Bar Stock--Alloy, Steel, Stainless Steel Bead Rollers Cadmium Plating Cam Bearing Tools CNC Machining Centers Composite Materials & Supplies Auction Companies, Classic Race Car Clothing, Embroidered Clothing, Logoed Composite Materials, Repair Systems Composite Parts CNC Machining Composites Development Aero Splitters & DiffusersStart a Conversation